Alert offers a Zapier Integration allowing you to easily connect your lead collection system with ours.
Below is a step-by-step example of how to integrate with Alert from a free Google Form through Zapier.
- You will need to set up your Google Form with the questions you would like to learn from your prospective client.
- You will need to get your Alert API token from your Account Manager.
- You will need to set up a Zapier account.
1. Create a new Zap and link your Google Form to it. Zapier will walk you through picking your Google Account and Form and adding it.
2. For step two, select Alert as the App you wish to connect to.
3. During step 2, Zapier will ask for your Alert Account, you will need to add a new one and copy and paste your Alert Api Token here:
4. Next you will have to map your fields. For a better explanation of the fields that Alert accepts, please see our API documentation. At a minimum, you need a First Name and either a phone number or an email address.
5. Once you’ve tested the connection, you’ll be all set!