Back to Blog | May 23, 2019 | 3 min

Why You Need a Bilingual Call Answering Service

One of the strengths of America, as a nation, is its diversity. The country is comprised of millions of individuals representing a myriad of different races, ethnicities and cultures.According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau (2016), more than 21 percent of the nation’s population ages 5 and older speak a language other than English at home. For companies in all industries, including law, this represents both a challenge and an opportunity.

Because of that statistic, a large portion of your client pool may speak a different native language and, without providing the right services to connect with them, you can miss out on the chance to develop meaningful and valuable professional relationships.

Benefits of a Bilingual Call Answering Service

Being able to communicate in a prospective or existing client’s native language can have a positive impact on your firm, both directly and indirectly. One communication solution to help your company move toward that goal is a bilingual call answering service, which provides value in numerous ways, including:

1. Removing the language barrier

Effective communication is a necessary component when it comes to serving your clients. While many people may speak English in addition to their native language, they likely will feel more comfortable, welcomed, and empowered if communication transpires in their first language.

A bilingual answering service removes any barrier language present so both parties are able to connect and effectively communicate with one another. From a financial perspective, this service also helps expand the market and gives you access to clients you might not have otherwise, making it a worthwhile investment for any law firm.

2. Building client loyalty and retention

Offering services in multiple languages is also a demonstration of respect and proof that you value all your clients and seek to serve them in the best way possible. By showing respect and concern, you can build trust with clients, giving them an important and personal reason to be loyal to your firm and use your services in the future. They don’t have to worry about whether one of their basic customer needs – the ability to communicate and be understood – will be met.

3. Driving more business

Another benefit of having robust, positive relationships with your existing clients is your firm will then top their list when others ask them for referrals. All it takes is one negative experience to ruin someone’s perception, and not offering the right tools and services for a diverse clientele has that potential.

However, clients who are satisfied with the service they received, thanks to bilingual support, will feel confident passing along your name to their personal network and fellow community members. Over time, that relationship-building translates into a positive professional reputation and increased revenue.

4. Saving on staffing costs

By using a bilingual answering service, you can channel all non-English communication through one source, negating the necessity for all your staff members to be fluent in multiple languages. Instead, you can retain one or two team members who possess that valuable skill and can communicate with bilingual clients once they sign on. This saves time for everyone, and as is the case in most businesses, time is money.

A Valuable Communication Solution

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to bolster your professional reputation, serve your client base more efficiently, and expand your clientele. With a tool as simple yet important as a bilingual call answering service, such as that provided by Alert , you can provide adequate support to the diverse individuals who utilize your firm and draw in new ones by giving them a useful channel for communication.

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Let our 24/7 Answering Service Help Grow Your Firm

How We Guide You Every Step of the Way

  • We handle your incoming calls and leads
  • We follow up, quickly
  • We process all information and hand it to you
  • We manage scheduling efficiently
  • Report, Analyze, Improve